Facebook has made changes to your newsfeed once again. This time they are putting the emphasis on interactions between friends and family and will make sure those posts generate first and more often in your newsfeed.
To make sure you don’t miss all the great things going on at Newstalk KZRG Change this for each site…the latest news, weather alerts, concert announcements, contests, and more, here’s what you need to do:
1. Open the Facebook app
2. In the bottom right hand corner, click the menu button (three stacked lines)
3. Scroll down and click “Settings”
4. Hit “News Feed Preferences”
5. Chose “Prioritize who to see first”
6. Select KZRG Radio! Change this for each site
Here’s what you need to do (on desktop):
1. Go to the KZRG Radio Facebook Page Change this for each site
2. Tap the “Following” icon on the upper left side of the screen
3. Select “See First”