Carl Junction Superintendent announces intention to retire

Carl Junction School District Superintendent Phillip Cook, who has held his job for the last 20 years, announced his intention Monday night to retire at the end of this school year.
Cook said: “The decision to retire is never easy, and it has taken a lot of prayer and consideration. A recent family tragedy forced me to look closely at my future. As a result, my wife and I decided on Jan. 8 to move my retirement date up one year and finish my 33-year career in education on June 30, 2025. My wife is also retiring, and we look forward to a less stressful life where we can spend more time with our parents, children and grandchildren.
Prior to his arrival at Carl Junction, Cook taught and coached at Fairland High School in Fairland, Oklahoma, for five years.
After arriving at CJ in 1997, Cook taught economics, American history, civics, and Civil War teacher and head baseball coach.
He took his firs steps into administration three years later when he served as high school assistant principal before being named an assistant superintendent in 2002.
In 2005, the Carl Junction Board of Education hired Cook as superintendent.
Cook also has played important roles with Special Olympics of Missouri, Missouri United School Insurance Council, and SW Missouri Association of School Administrators.
Cook plans to retire as of June of this year (2025).