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Successful grant awards bring dollars to community projects benefitting citizens

The City of Joplin continues its work to combine the power of local funding with available grants matching City projects. Most recently, the City has been awarded three new grants:

Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Grant – This $147,210 grant with City’s match of $98,140 will add 80 benches, 48 bicycle racks, 8 bicycle repair stations and 21 trail signs across 18 miles of public trails in 12 Joplin Parks. This DNR (Missouri Department of Natural Resources) grant allows an approved Parks & Stormwater Sales Tax project to expand with these state dollars coming into the community.

Lead Hazard Reduction Grant – The City will launch a program to provide lead remediation for residential homes with this HUD (Housing and Urban Development) $3.5 million grant. The City’s portion is $350,000. Funded through the HUD grant programs under the Department’s Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. 

Parks Outdoor Recreation Legacy Grant – This $484,230 DNR grant with City’s match of the same amount assists the City in reworking Parr Hill Park to include fitness equipment, outdoor games, ADA sidewalks, and all-inclusive playgrounds.

The City has been awarded some $52 million across 25 grants. City matching funds in the amount of over $28.1 million are required to complete the projects.

The grants and matching funds drive up the total budget numbers this year, and the community will begin to see the results in the next few years.

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