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Parsons Police investigate threat to High School

The Parsons Police Department responded to a potential threat of violence directed towards
Parsons High School following a tip received by School Resource Officer on Tuesday, September 24th
about a “shooter list.”

The tip was promptly forwarded to the Investigations Division, initiating a  investigation conducted by Detectives, School Resource Officers, and Patrol Officers.

In response to this report, there was an increased law enforcement presence at the high school.

The Parsons Police Department is partnering with the Kansas Fusion Center—a collaboration between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies—to share critical information and ensure coordinated responses across jurisdictional boundaries.

Multiple search warrants were issued to examine social media activity, cellular devices and several interviews were conducted. Despite the extensive investigation, no posts or evidence have been found to corroborate the threat at this time.

The Parsons Police Department worked closely with the school district to ensure the safety of all students and staff at Parsons High School following the threat.

After the thorough investigation, Detectives have determined that the rumored shooter list on Snapchat never existed. The individual involved admitted to fabricating the story after overhearing a conversation about not attending school on Wednesday. They claimed it was “a joke” and did not anticipate the situation escalating to this extent.

The Labette County Attorney’s Office is currently reviewing the matter to determine if formal
charges will be filed against the person or persons involved in spreading this false information.

This continues to be an on-going investigation, and citizens are encouraged to “See It, Hear It,
Report It.” All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If anyone has any
further information on this incident or any other criminal activity, please contact the Parsons Police
Department at 421-7060 or call the Tip Line at 421-7057 or email at

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