Missouri state representative Boggs proposes Anti-Spoofing calling bill

Missouri state representative Mitch Boggs has introduced a bill to outlaw caller ID spoof callers that are trying to scam you.
“It’s basically someone that’s pretending to be someone they’re not. Back in my day, whenever I grew up, we had party lines and you didn’t have a caller ID so you answered the phone. These days we have our cell phones and now we have people that would hide their number, well, people wouldn’t answer someone nearby so they’re putting on a number that may look like your delivery that you have coming in this just is very annoying to people.”
Missouri state representative Mitch Boggs went on to say”
“It grants individuals a right to recover damages, punitive damages, and it allows class action lawsuits enabling groups of victims to seek collective readiness. And then it empowers the attorney general, which the attorney general already has a line item in his budget that deals with this, but we’re trying to give him a little bit more tools in his toolbox.
Boggs, from Lawrence County, told Newstalk KZRG that under this bill, businesses can be added to the statewide “do not call list.”