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Zora/Duquesne roundabout officially opens to traffic

(City of Joplin) — The roundabout at the Zora Street and Duquesne Road/Hall Street intersection is now open. This truck-friendly roundabout is the first phase of future widening improvements to Zora Street from Range Line Road to MO-249, improving efficiency and safety for travelers along this corridor.

“Zora carries much of the traffic from MO-249 to north Joplin and Webb City, including the industrial park in the area,” said Public Works Director Dan Johnson. “As our area grows, it will continue to increase the traffic count, and it’s important that the infrastructure is appropriate to manage this safely.”

In Phase III, the roadway section from Range Line to Duquesne will be an improved two-lane roadway with curb and gutter and a storm sewer system. Additionally, in Phase II, the roadway section between Duquesne and MO-249 will be an improved two-lane roadway with paved shoulders on each side.

The total cost of this improvement project is estimated to be $9 million. In 2023, the State of Missouri awarded the City of Joplin and Jasper County a $4 million grant in partnership with the State of Missouri Department of Transportation, which is being used for this project. The remaining $5 million will be funded through Joplin’s voter-approved 3/8-cent capital improvement sales tax. This road improvement was a top project identified by the citizens in the renewal of this tax. Webb City also contributed funding for the roundabout project.

Phase II, the widening of Zora from the roundabout to MO-249, should start in early summer. Watch for announcements about this project.

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