Neighborhood leaf pick-up begins Monday, December 2
Got leaves? Joplin’s Annual Leaf Pick-Up begins December 2, the first Monday after Thanksgiving, weather permitting.
If you rake the leaves and pile them up next to the curb, the city will haul them away for you, to prevent them from clogging storm drains and causing flooding.
Two City crews start the pick-up in the outer areas of Joplin and work toward the center.
Residents can see which area their neighborhood is assigned to and check the progress of our crews using a map at:
The Streets crew will work in map areas labeled S1 through S5. The Parks crew will work neighborhoods marked P1 through P5.
Streets crews will start in the first neighborhoods of the Silver Creek, Highlands, and Woodland Hills areas (S1) and then move to neighborhoods east of Range Line Road. After S1 is completed, crews shift to S2 at the north end of Joplin and work toward the south.
The Parks crew begins south of 32nd Street and west of Main Street (P1) and then moves east towards Range Line Road (P2), progressing through each section until reaching P5.
Due to variable factors such as the amount of leaves on streets, weather, and unforeseen conditions, it is difficult to predict the exact day crews will get to your area.
Crews will pick up leaves in each area only once.
How You Can Help
Residents should rake their leaves to the curb of the property line. Leaves should NOT be raked into any street or sidewalk, as this can clog storm drains and could force the City’s street sweeping truck to bypass your area. PLEASE, no tree limbs, brush or rocks in your leaf piles.
For residents who wish to dispose of leaves now, take them to the Joplin Compost Facility next to the Turkey Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant at 3457 Eddy Lane. Please remove leaves from trash bags and take trash bags with you. Please do not leave brush, tree limbs, bags, or trash. The site is open daily during daylight hours.
For more information about leaf pick-up, call 417-624-0820 ext. 1566.