Registration now open for youth summer camps at Pitt State

Youth will have opportunities this summer to learn more about interests such as construction, robotics, and nature while having hands-on fun in day camps offered by Pittsburg State University. Enrollment is limited. For the most current information, please visit
Athletics summer camps in baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball, and volleyball are planned for young athletes. They are managed and promoted by Pitt State coaches. Details:
Six separate summer opportunities for youth interested in music are being planned by the Pitt State Music Department, to be taught by music faculty and alumni. Details will be announced soon at
June 20: Family History for Everyone
Ages 16 and up. Free Those with no experience, those who are seasoned genealogists, and those who are somewhere in between are welcome to attend this workshop focused on learning more about your family’s history. It will be held in a computer lab at 201 Grubbs Hall from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and participants will use the free FamilySearch site to build a family tree. Learn what the sources there mean, where to find numerous additional free online sources, and take printed resource lists home. Teacher: Professor Kelly Woestman, School of History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences. Register by calling 620-235-4944.
June 17-21: Nature Camp
Grades 1-3. Cost: $75 This camp will be held at the PSU Natural History Reserve from 9 a.m. to noon each day. Youth will interact with live animals, explore nature, and participate in games and activities that align with educational STEM standards. Teacher: Delia Lister, Biology. Questions and to register:
June 22: A Morning in Nursing
Ages 8-10 years. Cost: $10 This camp will be held in McPherson Hall and Simulation Hospital, home to the School of Nursing, from 9 to 11 a.m. Youth will rotate through six stations to learn about CPR, AEDs, and handwashing, compete in Ace wrap races and a heart blood-flow obstacle course, explore simulated patient care, and use the Anatomage virtual patient. Snacks will be included. The camp will be led by Nursing faculty and senior level students. Registration will be open soon at
June 26: Nature Day Camp
For children who are starting 1st grade this fall. Cost: $20 This camp will be held at the PSU Natural History Reserve from 9 a.m. to noon. Interact with live animals, explore nature, and participate in games and activities that align with educational STEM standards. Teacher: Delia Lister, Biology. Questions and to register:
July 8-12: Adventures in Robotics I
Ages 9-14. Cost: $115 Explore the use of teamwork, programming, brainstorming, construction techniques, robotic basics, and electro-mechanics as you dive into the world of robotics. The camp will be held at the Kansas Technology Center and will be taught by faculty from the Department of Engineering Technology. Questions and to register: 620-235-4370.
July 8-12: Construct Your Future I
Ages 9-14. Cost: $115 Get a fast-paced look at the materials, processes, and design methods involved in the construction industry. Learn 3D building modeling, problem solving, bridge building, safety, and build a doghouse. The camp will be held at the Kansas Technology Center and will be taught by faculty from the School of Construction. Questions and to register: 620-235-6555.
July 15-19: Adventures in Robotics II
Ages 9-14. Cost: $115 Take your knowledge and skills to the next level as you delve deeper into the world of robotics. Prerequisite: Must have completed Robotics I or have experience with LEGO systems. The camp will be held at the Kansas Technology Center and will be taught by faculty from the Department of Engineering Technology. Questions and to register: 620-235-4370.
July 15-19: Construct Your Future II
Ages 9-14. Cost: $115 Take your construction skills and knowledge to the next level with building walls, pouring concrete, laying brick, and the use of GPS. The camp will be held at the Kansas Technology Center and will be taught by faculty from the School of Construction. Questions and to register: 620-235-6555.