Joplin City Council meets Monday night
The Joplin City Council meets Monday night.
Council members will receive an update on financing considerations for a new Joplin Justice Center.
The Council also will consider emergency ordinances for redevelopment plans and the abatement of ad valorem real estate taxes for several properties including: the Jesse Star House at 310 South Moffet Avenue; the Olivia Apartments at 320 South Moffet Avenue; Pennington Drug Company at 512-518 South Virginia Avenue and; the A.C. Webb Automotive Building located at 202-204 South Joplin Avenue.
Under new business, the Council will choose a candidate to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Kate Spencer.
The meeting gets underway at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers in City Hall at 602 S. Main Street.
It is open to the public.