Freeman Hospital West hosts CBCO Blood Drive

What: Freeman Health System hosts Community Blood Center of the Ozarks blood drive
When: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Where: Freeman Hospital West Conference Rooms 1W-4W, 1102 W. 32nd Street, Joplin
Background: Approximately 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed each day in the United States. Despite a U.S. population of 336 million people, only 6.8 million people take time to donate. A steady supply of blood is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, illness and injury.
This Wednesday, Freeman Hospital West will host a Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO) blood drive. The CBCO is the sole provider of blood and plasma products to Freeman’s Joplin- and Neosho-based hospitals.
Individuals donating blood will receive a free ice cream voucher – perfect for the hot July temperatures – and a premium “Chillin’ in the Ozarks” T-shirt, while supplies last.
To avoid wait times, appointments are strongly encouraged, though not required. Photo identification is required. Please eat and drink plenty of fluids before donating. Call 417.227.5006 or visit to schedule an appointment or for additional information.