JHS JAG students earn spot in National Competion

JOPLIN, Mo. – Joplin High School’s Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program has earned a spot at Nationals after winning first place at the Missouri State Career Development Conference last week in Jefferson City.
The team consists of students Serenity Ramsey, Hayden Wilson, Chris Judd, and Kenzie Ogle.
These students will present their award-winning Business Plan at the National competition, held April 17-23 in Orlando, Florida. The plan outlines the team’s work this year on their Blanket Business, which has so far earned more than $900 in revenue.
JAG is a nonprofit youth development program dedicated to helping at-risk young people graduate from high school and make successful transitions to postsecondary education or meaningful employment.
Joplin High School’s JAG program focuses on life skills including financial literacy, time management, conflict management, career choice matching, and 37 additional employability skills. The program is sponsored by Joplin Schools teacher Janet Parker-Spain.
“We are so proud of the students and their hard work,” said Parker-Spain. “We started this business with just an idea and learned how to build a business plan, marketing, and how to look at our finances to determine the changes that need to be made along the way. And we’re very grateful for some community members who have really helped us reach our goals.”
“I believe our JAG students have learned that being successful is no accident, and it takes hard work, perseverance, making mistakes and sacrifices,” said Shelly Tarter, Director of Roi S. Wood Virtual and Alternative School.
“We know these students will represent Joplin well at Nationals.”