Classic Hits 93.9 KJMK is “Grounding The Eagles” ahead of the Super Bowl

Zimmer Marketing’s Classic Hits 93.9, KJMK-FM, will be “Grounding The Eagles” until after the Chiefs-Eagles NFL Championship Game on Super Bowl Sunday, February 12.
Beginning Monday, February 6, in a show of support for the AFC Champion Kansas City Chiefs, Classic Hits 93.9 will be banning all songs by the Eagles or with the word ‘eagle’ in the title from its airwaves.
“We love the Chiefs, and want to do our part to show support for our ‘Mahomies’ in their efforts to bring another championship to Kansas City,” said Thom Watts – KJMK’s Program Director.
Watts, who is also the station’s Morning show talent, said that means no songs by the Eagles, Eagles band members Don Henley and Glenn Frey, and no songs with ‘eagle’ in the title will play, until the Monday following the Super Bowl. Watts explained that, normally, these core artists and songs are in regular rotation on the station’s Classic Hits format.
Classic Hits 93.9 is the dominant Classic Hits station for the Joplin, Missouri and 4 states area market, and part of the Zimmer Marketing family of radio stations.