Calls to repeal the National Firearms Act come from Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Representative Eric Burlison (R-MO) introduced his first bill as a Member of Congress, the “Repeal the NFA Act” (H.R. 450).
The National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA) was the first federal law to impose limitations on firearm ownership. It requires Americans to pay a $200 tax, register, and undergo an application process to own certain firearms and accessories.
Afterword Congressman Burlison’s team issued the following press release:
For decades, unelected bureaucrats have attempted to use the NFA to impose new regulations on gun owners without Congressional approval. This month, the ATF published a rule to reclassify firearms with pistol braces as short-barrel rifles (SBR), meaning millions of law-abiding Americans will become felons unless they submit to the NFA’s unconstitutional tax and registration scheme.
Burlison has a rich history of legislative success in Missouri. Burlison sponsored and passed into state law Stand Your Ground, Constitutional Carry, and the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA). SAPA bans Missouri state agencies from aiding the enforcement of any federal law or rule that infringes on the right to keep and bear arms.
He sponsored and passed Hailey’s Law which streamlined the Amber Alert system and expanded Bryce’s Law which provides children with dyslexia better access to educational services. Recently, Burlison cosponsored federal legislation to abolish the ATF.
Rep. Eric Burlison said, “The federal government has used the National Firearms Act for almost a century to violate law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights. The recent ATF pistol brace rule is just another example of these blatant attacks on the constitutional rights of Americans. The ATF- NFA sham needs to end.”
He went on to say, “The Repeal the NFA Act will strip the ATF of its authority to criminalize lawful gun owners and will undo nearly 90 years of assault on fundamental freedoms. I’m proud to stand with and support Americans nationwide as we take this issue head-on.”
Rep. Andy Biggs said, “For too long, anti-gun zealots have enacted policies that infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. The NFA has only led to increased government bureaucracy and has done nothing to reduce gun violence. I applaud Congressman Burlison’s legislation that would prevent the federal government from continuing to impose these draconian registration mandates on law-abiding gun owners.”
Aaron Dorr with the American Firearms Association said, “The National Firearms Act (NFA) was tyrannical when it was first passed almost 90 years ago. But over the years, it has become the number one way for the federal government to target law-abiding gun owners, as the ATF can add accessories like pistol braces to the NFA without needing a vote in Congress! Congressman Eric Burlison is leading the fight to repeal the NFA and protect law-abiding gun owners. The American Firearms Association and our members across the country thank him for his leadership and will be doing everything we can to advance this badly needed legislation.”