“Bicycling with Butterflies” author visits library tonight

Joplin, MO – After biking 10,201 miles from Mexico to Canada and back, Sara Dykman became the first person to cycle the entire route of the migrating monarch butterflies. This fall, she returns to the road, but this time on a motorcycle, to celebrate monarchs and the publication of her book, Bicycling with Butterflies (Timber Press, April 2021).
Joplin Public Library, Post Art Library, and the Missouri Master Naturalist Chert Glades Chapter invites you to visit with adventurist and author Sara Dykman tonight – Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 6:00pm-7:45pm at Joplin Public Library, 1901 East 20th Street, Joplin, MO 64804. The program includes a book signing followed by a presentation and Q&A.
Dykman will be traveling through Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas before continuing south to the monarchs’ overwintering grounds in Michoacan, Mexico.
She’ll stop along her route to speak on behalf of monarch butterflies, whose population has seen dramatic declines in recent years. “I want to give the monarchs a voice,” Dykman explained. “I want people to know that they can help monarchs by planting milkweed, which is the only food source for the monarch caterpillars.”
This is a FREE, public event. Registration not necessary. For more information, contact Post Art Library Director Jill Halbach at 417-623-7953 x1041.