Vernon County Sheriff’s office holds “Push-Ups for Pennies”

Nevada, MO – Employees of the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office (VCSO) partnered with the YMCA to hold a push-up contest to help encourage VCSO staff to participate in the YMCA membership/fitness program.
They also wanted to see if they could raise funds for their local Children’s Center in the process.
The push-up contest was a one-hour event where participants could do any number of push-ups any time within the one-hour period. The totals were posted to a board during the event.
This caused some great friendly competition and made it fun for everyone, said Vernon County Sheriff Jason Mosher.
The winners of the event won a prize and the 1st place winner was also awarded a “2022 Push-Up Champion trophy.”
The winners were as follows:
1st place – Chief Deputy Travis Cole (550 push-ups)
2nd place – Detention Officer Sarina Eaton (451 push-ups)
3rd place – Lt Tycher Blakely (433 Push-ups)
A contingent from the Sheriff’s Office performed a total of 2,962 push-ups during the event and raised just over $600 for the Children’s Center.