JHS Students to present donation to local foster and adoption organization

JOPLIN – Student members of the Joplin High School Philanthropic Society will present a check for $10,910 to FosterAdopt Connect Joplin in support of the non-profit organization’s efforts to provide services for local foster and adoptive families.
The check presentation is planned for 10 a.m. on Tuesday at FosterAdopt Connect at 1802 W. 32nd St. in Joplin.
The JHS Philanthropic Society students worked during the 2021-22 school year on several fundraising projects to reach their goal.
The club is student led, and is sponsored by JHS principal Dr. Stephen Gilbreth.
JHS Senior and club member Maddie Wilson said choosing the right non-profit for their donation was of great importance to the club.
“FosterAdopt Connect gets us in touch with kids, maybe even some kids here at the high school, that we can help,” said Wilson. “It’s important knowing we’re able to help students in this area and make a difference for them.”
Joplin High principal Gilbreth noted his pride in the students’ ability and commitment to improving their community.
“The students’ efforts have been very successful in making a difference in the lives of children in Joplin,” Dr. Gilbreth said.