Proposition Public Safety awaits Joplin voters
Joplin voters will head to the polls Tuesday with public safety at the forefront.
“Proposition Public Safety” will ask residents to approve a property tax that will levy a $1.00 tax for every $100 of assessed value on all real and personal property.
That revenue will go to improve funding for Police and Fire services in Joplin.
Click here or take a look at this graphic posted by Joplin Professional Fire Fighters below:
According to the city, since 2012, the Joplin Fire Department has lost a total of 73 firefighters to other fire departments and private sector jobs, with an additional 27 retirements, for a total loss of 100 firefighters.
The city says careers within the Fire Service are not as attractive when compared to the opportunities in the private sector.
The City will need to add additional firefighters, new stations, and new fire trucks to reduce response times, maintain ISO rating, meet NFPA standards and provide the infrastructure that allows for economic development.
The cost of training, benefits, and equipment per firefighter in their first year is $78,000.
City officials say the key to attracting and retaining public safety personnel is competitive pay and positive working conditions.
Currently, starting pay for a Police Officer and Fire Fighter is approximately $37,000 and $34,000 respectively.
In an FAQ, the city of Joplin answered several questions including How do we know the City won’t be back asking for more money for public safety?
Their response is that this plan is long-term that brought several representatives from the Police and Fire Departments, the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 27, and the Joplin Professional Firefighters Local 59 together to meet with City administration to address concerns and develop a long-term solution.
The City and both unions came to an agreement and each organization has a signed contract as a resolution to the issues the departments have been facing.