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Workshop to focus on pediatric patients during mass casualty incidents

School shootings across the nation have called attention to the unique needs of pediatric patients during mass casualty incidents.

To prepare for the possibility of a surge in pediatric patients, Freeman Health System will host a workshop in which front-line emergency staff and trauma teams from the region’s hospitals, emergency medical services (EMS) crews and those in leadership positions can share knowledge and discuss response plans.

The workshop at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Freeman Business Center in Joplin,  will feature presentations by the Joplin Police Department, METS Ambulance and area emergency management about responding to an active shooter.

Representatives from local state and emergency management as well as SWAT, the Non-Urban Healthcare Coalition, local healthcare providers and other area law enforcement agencies also will attend.

The workshop will also include a presentation about pediatric trauma by Dr. Tessa Woods, a Cox Springfield trauma surgeon.


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