Three local winners of the Missouri American Water Hydration Station Grant Program
JOPLIN, MO (June 15, 2022) – Twenty schools, cities and non-profit organizations across the
state will now have improved access to quality drinking water due to funding from the annual
Missouri American Water Hydration Station Grant Program.
Launched this year, the program offers non-profit organizations and public institutions an opportunity to apply for water bottle filling stations and drinking fountains for indoor and outdoor use.
The program also promotes environmental stewardship by encouraging reusable bottle use to
reduce single-use plastic bottles. According to the Container Institute, roughly 60 million plastic
bottles are thrown away every day. While most end up in landfills, millions also litter streets,
parks and waterways.
“We are excited to provide convenient access to safe, clean tap water on the go in an
environmentally sustainable way,” said Rich Svindland, President of Missouri American Water.
“This program, which eliminates plastic waste to help protect our waterways, is another way we
keep life flowing in the communities we serve.”
Recipients of the Hydration Stations are Joplin City Hall, Joplin School District, and Wildcats Glades Friends Group in Joplin.
The annual grant program will be accepting applications again in spring 2023. Applicants who
did not receive grants this year are encouraged to reapply. To be eligible, applicants must
receive their water service from Missouri American Water. Grant recipients are responsible for
ordering, installing and maintaining the units.