“Click it or Ticket” says Pittsburg Chief of Police

Pittsburg, Kansas police join their law enforcement brothers and sisters in reminding people to buckle up while driving. Chief of Police Brent Narges issued this statement informing the public that they may see an increase in police presence during their “Click it or ticket” campaign.
Narges states “Just make it click. The instant you buckle up, you cut your risk of a fatal injury in a crash by nearly half. That‘s a massive return on the investment of putting on a seatbelt. Kansas Department of Transportation‘s (KDOT) ‘Click It or Ticket’ campaign goes through June 4, 2022. Travelers in the Pittsburg and surrounding areas can expect increased police presence as the Pittsburg Police Department joins 160 other law enforcement agencies in this initiative.
“The aim of the Click It or Ticket campaign is to drastically reduce the number of preventable deaths and injuries that occur when unbelted drivers and passengers are involved in traffic crashes. During Click It or Ticket, drivers will be met with extra enforcement of both the Kansas Safety Belt Use Act and the Kansas Child Passenger Safety Act. These statutes require that all vehicle occupants must be appropriately restrained. This activity is supported by a grant from the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT).”