State to carry out Carman Deck death sentence

(JEFFERSON CITY, MO) –Today, Governor Mike Parson confirmed that the State of Missouri will carry out the sentence of Carman Deck tomorrow, as ordered by the Supreme Court of Missouri.
“Mr. Deck has received due process, and three separate juries of his peers have recommended sentences of death for the brutal murders he committed,”Governor Parson said. “The State of Missouri will carry out Mr. Deck’s sentence according to the Court’s order and deliver justice.”
Deck was tried and convicted for the heinous execution-style murders of two innocent elderly victims during a robbery in 1996.
Deck fully admitted to his callous offenses in verbal, written, and recorded statements to law enforcement.
In three different proceedings, separate juries have recommended Deck’s death sentences. Deck’s case has been reviewed in the state trial court, Missouri Supreme Court, federal district court, Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, and United States Supreme Court.