Freeman Celebrates 100th MONARCH® Robotic Bronchoscopy

Freeman Health System patient John Turley and his wife Loretta are praising the MONARCH® robotic bronchoscopy procedure for finding Turley’s lung cancer at stage one.
“He’s had all five radiation treatments required to get rid of the cancer and had no side effects,” said Loretta Turley. “It was wonderful that they found it at stage one because he didn’t have any symptoms. We feel very fortunate that they found it that soon. Now, he will have more time to live.”
The Turleys shared their story of John’s cancer journey at a celebration marking Freeman’s 100th MONARCH procedure.
“Less than a year ago, Freeman Health System announced the acquisition of transformative new robotic technology that helps our doctors find lung cancer in its earliest stages,” said Freeman President and Chief Executive Officer Paula Baker. “We’re excited about this novel technology and are grateful that Freeman is able to save so many lives through MONARCH robotic-assisted bronchoscopy and the early detection of lung cancer.”
Lung cancer can be particularly difficult to diagnose because the airways are full of twists and turns that reach deep into the lungs. The MONARCH platform integrates the latest advancements in robotics, software, data science, and endoscopy. Turley’s cancer was diagnosed by Freeman Lung Institute Pulmonologist Dr. Grant Pierson using the MONARCH Platform Robotic Bronchoscopy procedure.
“With a traditional bronchoscope, trying to look at an eight-millimeter nodule in multiple airways of the lung, I would have to guess where to make turns,” said Dr. Pierson. “MONARCH takes the guesswork out of bronchoscopy because I never lose sight.”
Patient Kenneth Farr was recognized as the 100th patient to benefit from the MONARCH robotic bronchoscopy. Farr’s biopsy showed no evidence of malignancy. Albert Landes was the first Freeman patient to benefit from the MONARCH system.
“It was a tough year,” said Rosemary Landes, whose husband Albert was treated for lung cancer. “But by the grace of God and great doctors, we’ve come through it to the other side. Finding the lung cancer early gave Albert a fighting chance.”
At the celebration, representatives from Auris Health, the company that introduced the MONARCH platform, presented Freeman with a special banner to commemorate the 100th procedure.
“We’re proud that MONARCH brings engineering and intelligent innovation to healthcare,” said Jake Buchanan, Auris Territory Manager. “MONARCH enhances the physicians’ capability to improve outcomes in safer procedures and change patients’ lives.”