February 22nd first day to file for county offices

If you’re planning to run for county office in Missouri, Tuesday Feb. 22, is the first day to do that in this election cycle.
“An individual who wants to file for County office must pay the local party – Democrat or Republican – a $100 filing fee,” Jasper County Clerk Charlie Davis says.
“You’re going to be required to bring a receipt to the County Clerk’s office in Carthage that you paid that fee,” Davis states.
“You have to sign an affidavit that you owe no taxes and you’re going to have to bring a driver’s license or other identification.”
Davis says people who file on the first day will draw numbers and candidates will be put on the ballot according to the numbers that they draw.
He says after the first day is over, candidates will be added in the order that they file.
The filing period lasts until March 29th.