5th Graders help Pittsburg Lions Club improve vision for those in need

The Pittsburg Lions Club hosted its first annual Glasses from Classes: A Lions Club Challenge..
The eyeglasses recycling donation drive taught the importance of vision to fifth grade classes in USD 250 and gave the opportunity for those fifth graders to collect old, discarded eyeglasses and readers to be recycled through the Lions Club Recycling Program.
Fifth grade classes in Lakeside, George Nettles, and Westside chose to participate in the challenge and collectively raised over 280 pairs of glasses that will be recycled and distributed to those in need to improve their vision. Winning classes (taught by Ms. Burford from Lakeside and Ms. Penner from George Nettles) received an ice cream party.
The grand champion winning class (taught by Ms. Anderson from Westside) received a pizza and ice cream party. Party rewards were generously provided by sponsors of the campaign, Kannarr Eye Care, Heartland Vision Center, Paul Niegsch, O.D., and the Southeast Kansas Problem Gambling Task Force.
“This campaign was a huge success for the eyeglasses recycling program and a great way to teach these fifth graders about the importance of taking care of your eyesight with proper vision screenings and exams,” said Lori Horton, Pittsburg Lions Club President. “With the generous support of our sponsors, we plan to make this an annual occurrence to bring the gift of improved vision to more of those in need and to educate and bring awareness to the community,” Horton added.
A primary mission of the Lions Club is to prevent blindness and saving sight for millions of people around the world. Worthy programs and projects supported by the Lions Club include recycling eyeglasses, supporting Lions Eye Banks that provide eye tissue for sight-saving surgeries, screening the vision of hundreds of thousands of people every year, and providing treatment to those at risk of losing their vision.
Locally, the Pittsburg Lions Club collaborates with area doctors and provides scholarships to assist those in need of eye exams and glasses. Free visions assessment screenings are also available. Contact your Pittsburg Lions Club to request an application for someone in need pittsburglionsclub@gmail.com or 620-842-9326.