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Online public hearing Wednesday on rights of sexual assault victims

JEFFERSON CITY – The state task force reviewing the treatment and support of sexual assault victims in Missouri will conduct its first public hearing on Wednesday, Aug. 25th.

The Missouri Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force invites members of the public to listen to the hearing, which will be conducted online. The hearing will focus on funding recommendations to support sexual assault victims and o conduct investigations.

Missouri Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force Public Hearing
Aug. 25, 2021, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Topic: Funding
Join the WebEx online meeting by computer:
Join by phone: Dial 1-650-479-3207
Meeting Number: 177 623 0783
Meeting Password: MNePxDkJ456

This is the first of four public hearings the task force has scheduled. Each of the remaining hearings will also focus on a specific topic and be held from 1 to 3 p.m. on the following dates: Sept. 14 (Standards and Practices; Sept. 22 (Survivor Privacy); and Sept. 28 (Evidence Collection). I

nformation will be provided with details on how to listen to the sessions once it becomes available at

The task force is also seeking comments and suggestions from the public on how to strengthen protections and services for Missouri sexual assault victims. Comments and suggestions are being gathered through an online survey at The survey closes Sept. 30, 2021.

The Missouri Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force was created through Senate Bill 569, which was signed into law by Governor Mike Parson in July 2020. In addition to including the “Justice for Survivors Act” and the “Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights,” it mandated establishment of the task force, which must “collect feedback from stakeholders, practitioners, and leadership throughout the state and local law enforcement, victim services, forensic science practitioners, and health care communities to inform development of future best practices or clinical guidelines regarding the care and treatment of survivors.”

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