“Topping Out Ceremony” held for Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex

Officials hosted a “Topping Out Ceremony” today at the site of the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex at 212 West 7th St. In Joplin.
Construction crews have been working for 5 months and today the final beam on any steel structure was signed and set in place.
Connect to Culture President/CEO Clifford Wert, who is also Treasurer for the Cornell Complex project, says the new facility will bring a new venue for performances of all types to the city.
“The Beshore Performance Hall is a 470-seat proscenium seating capacity but an even larger capacity for people who are maybe seated on the floor and or just standing,” Wert says. “We could very easily have six or seven hundred in for an indoor performance.”
That’s Clifford Wert, president and CFO of Connect to Culture in Joplin. He says a new generation of residents are creating an exciting future for Joplin and the 4-State-area.