Joplin voters to decide on renewing 1/4 cent sales tax August 3rd

“Shall the City of Joplin, Missouri, extend a sales tax of one-quarter (1/4) of one percent (1%) for a period of ten (10) years for the purpose of providing funding for stormwater control and local parks for the City?”
On August 3, 2021, Joplin citizens will vote on the question of renewing a ¼ -cent sales tax for parks projects and stormwater improvements.
City officials say by completing identified stormwater projects in commercial and high traffic areas, the flooding occurrence is significantly reduced. They say funds also go towards park projects and improvements and help with ongoing maintenance for Joplin’s parks system.
To address these types of park projects and stormwater issues, the City utilizes revenues from the ¼-cent Parks and Stormwater Sales Tax. Citizens originally passed this initiative in 2001 and then renewed it in 2011.
If it is passed again, it will expire on March 31, 2032.