New KDOT Director of Fiscal and Asset Management announced
Ben Cleeves takes the position after 11 years at KDOT

Kansas has a new Director of Fiscal and Asset Management Division, according to a news release from the Kansas Department of Transportation.
Ben Cleeves takes the position after 11 years at the Kansas Department of Transportation.
Cleeves previously served as KDOT’s Office Chief of Finance and Budget during that time period to develop KDOT’s annual budget and coordinate the legislative fiscal not process.
Cleeve’s new role will oversee this office, in addition to the Bureau of Fiscal Services, Office of Inspector General, and the Cost Share program.
Cleeve’s will also oversee and work with the new Bureau of Performance Management on the continuing development of an agency-wide performance.
Before arriving at KDOT, Cleeve served at the State Division of the Budget, where he reviewed agency budgets before making recommendations to the governor.