Drone competition planned for next Thursday

Three teams from area middle and high schools will square off against each other as finalists in a drone competition planned for 2 to 5 p.m. this Thursday, May 6, in the Pitsco Idea Shop at Block22 in downtown Pittsburg.
The teams, from Fredonia Middle School, Frontenac High School, and Ft. Scott Middle School, have worked for several weeks using drones on loan from Pitsco and $200 in complimentary supplies to create drone missions and field elements, or obstacles, in a 10-foot by 20-foot netted drone area.
During the competition, each team will take a turn setting up its drone mission within the drone arena, then the judges will fly the mission.
“We’re proud to partner with Pitt State to provide an opportunity for students to solve challenges with creativity, critical thinking, and engineering skills that they may not otherwise have the resources to try,” said Matt Frankenbery, vice president of education at Pitsco.