Downtown Joplin Alliance Clean Team event Tuesday evening

If you’re interested in helping clean up Joplin, you’ll have a chance to do that tomorrow evening – and at similar events in coming weeks and months.
The Downtown Joplin Alliance (DJA) is sponsoring a free meeting of its Downtown Clean Team on Tuesday, March 2 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Joplin Avenue Coffee Company at 506 S. Joplin Ave.
The effort open to the public and will last about one hour.
People are being asked to come alone or bring your employees, coworkers, and friends. Those wanting to take part are asked to confirm they are coming by going to
The Alliance is asking those who can’t attend to gather friends, family, or coworkers to take 10-15 minutes walking around your work, home, or favorite hangout and helping to keep it beautiful by cleaning up any trash and debris. Share the before and after pictures of your efforts with #trashtag on their page.
Bringing extra brooms, rakes, or gloves earns brownie points. Contact DJA with any questions by emailing or telephone 417-501-9649