Domestic Fight Leads to a Parolee’s Arrests

Parsons, KS – On November 19, 2020 Approximately 12:08 am Parsons police were called to a reported domestic situation in the 1400 block of Appleton. Upon investigation into the situation it was found that the involved parties had gone their separate ways before the report was called in.
Officers spoke to the victim and it was determined after investigation and evidence collection the suspect was to be interviewed as well. The victim stated that she was battered and there was a firearm involved as well. The victim stated that the suspect was on parole and not supposed to have a weapon.
Officers went to a residence in the 2500 block of Crawford to speak with the suspect, who was identified as Detavious Jamel Cooper, 30 from Parsons. Cooper who was on parole and had been recently been released from Kansas Department of Corrections, spoke to officers for a time period and when he realized he would be taken into custody he fled from officers on foot, then slamming a door on a pursuing officer. The glass in the door broke and caused two laceration on the pursuing officer which had to be treated at the Emergency Room. The officer was treated and released.
Cooper was eventually taken into custody and jailed at the Parsons Police Department lockup facility. Parsons PD is requesting charges on Cooper for Interference with Law Enforcement, Aggravated Assault, Domestic Battery, Aggravated Battery on Law Enforcement, Aggravated Escape from Custody and Parole Violation.
Parsons Police Chief Robert Spinks said, “Domestic violence cases leave very little options for law enforcement, as the statutes states that if there is probable cause for an arrest then an arrest must be made. It is fortunate that this case did not turn deadly before officers were involved and even more fortunate that our officers were not injured more seriously. It is now in the hands of the court to put this obviously violent offender back behind bars. Repeat offenders is beginning to be a real problem in Parsons and we will use every avenue available to either make sure they are not victimizing our citizens any more or we will putting them back in jail for their offenses. Coming soon we will be rolling out a new program in Parsons. Registered Offender Program & Enforcement (ROPE), this will allow us to keep track of the registered offenders in Parsons and conduct a Knock and Talk to make sure they are obeying their terms of release or they will be arrested for failing to register as a felon. We will not kick any productive member of our community out of Parsons, but if you break the law and refuse to follow the path set by the courts, then we will make sure you know the exit points.”
This continues to be an on-going investigation and citizens are encouraged to “See It, Hear It, Report It.” If anyone has any further information on this incident or any other criminal activity, please contact the Parsons Police Department at 421-7060 or call the Tip Line at 421-7057 or email at