Seneca Board votes to put bond issue on Nov. 3 ballot
Informational meeting planned . . . .

The Seneca R-VII School Board voted unanimously at its July board meeting to place a
question on the Nov. 3 general election ballot to issue general obligation bonds in the amount of $5.5
million for a variety of school improvements.
Passage will require a four-sevenths affirmative vote and is expected to result in no tax increase to the district’s residents. The current debt service levy, which is eighty-five (85) cents per one-hundred (100) dollars of assessed valuation. should remain unchanged.
According to R-VII Superintendent Brandon Eggleston, “the funds will allow us to implement the
high priority recommendations from the Long-Range Planning Committee, which were developed in the
2018-2019 school year. The committee surveyed students, teachers, staff, parents, and community
members to identify the district’s most pressing needs. That includes renovating space at the high school
to allow for a performing arts venue, constructing a regulation eight-lane track, building a combined-use
baseball and softball field, and upgrading existing facilities for energy efficiency.”
School Board President Matt Stewart highlighted the board’s support for the effort. “Our students
do not have equitable facilities when compared to other schools in our conference and the area,” he said.
“We believe students need to have spaces that will help them reach their full potential in all aspects of
their educations, whether academic or extracurricular. Improved facilities will foster improved
participation and pride in our district.”
The ability to place Proposition Seneca Schools on the ballot resulted from sound fiscal the system’s leaders. “Due to restructuring our debt at a lower interest rate, we are in a
position to meet the needs of our district without raising taxes. That’s a win-win for both taxpayers and
our students,” Eggleston concluded.
An informational meeting will be held for community members at central office on 914 Frisco
Street on Tuesday, Sept. 8, at 7 p.m. All interested citizens are invited to attend.