Kansas releases Driver’s Practice Test Alexa skill in Spanish

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Revenue, in partnership with the Information Network of Kansas, has launched the “Kansas Driver’s Practice Test,” in Spanish. It’s the first practice driving test skill in the nation to support the English and Spanish language.
In October 2019, the department released the Alexa skill in English, which has supported more than 300 users.
“Expanding this service helps us provide a driver’s practice exam to more people while increasing awareness of roadway safety in Kansas,” Secretary of Revenue Mark Burghart said. “In addition, this tool helps deliver the practice curriculum in a manner suited for audio-visual learners.”
According to the United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, 24.7% of the households in Kansas are limited English speaking.
“Our team is proud of the advancement we have created for more Kansans,” said Duncan Friend, Executive Director of INK. “We strive to make world-class digital government experiences, and this solution is paving the way for future multi-language solutions.”
The Spanish Kansas Driver’s Practice Test skill is now available in the Amazon app store. For more information, visit https://www.ksrevenue.org/dovalexa.html.