On July 8, 2020, to help Missouri voters find Notary Publics to notarize their ballot envelopes, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announced his office is now providing a list of notaries who have volunteered to provide notary services for voters at no charge. Free services are also being provided at the Secretary of State’s offices in Jefferson City, St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield.
While state law says absentee ballot voters cannot be charged a notary fee for ballot notarization, new voting laws for 2020 do not provide the same exception for mail-in ballots. As a result, Ashcroft is providing a list online of notaries who have volunteered to provide all ballot notarization free of charge. The list will be updated as more Missouri notaries volunteer to help.
“I truly appreciate the many organizations and individuals making themselves available to help Missouri voters during this time,” Ashcroft said. “I encourage voters who need notary services to contact a volunteer in their area, and I again thank those who are volunteering their time.”
Addresses of Secretary of State offices are below. Please note, masks are required to enter the following buildings.
James C. Kirkpatrick State Information Center U.S. Customs & Post Office Building
600 West Main Street 815 Olive Street, Suite 150
Jefferson City, MO 65101 St. Louis, MO 63101
Fletcher Daniels State Office Building Landers State Office Building
615 E. 13th St., Fifth Floor Rm 513 149 Park Central Sq., Rm 624
Kansas City, MO 64106 Springfield, MO 65806
If you are a notary and wish to volunteer to provide ballot envelope notary services for free for the August and November 2020 elections, please email Laura.Lewis@sos.mo.gov. For instructions on how to become a notary, visit our website.
To view materials and information on absentee and mail-in voting for 2020, visit www.GoVoteMissouri.com.