PSU Chief Hite appointed to statewide board

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt today announced the appointment of Pittsburg State University Police Chief Stu Hite to be a member of the Crime Victims Compensation Board (CVCB).
“Stu Hite is a well-respected career law enforcement officer,” Schmidt said. “His wide range of experience in law enforcement and working with crime victims will be a great asset to the board. I thank him for his willingness to serve.”
Before being named university police chief, Hite had a long and decorated career with the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office, most recently serving as a detective lieutenant. Hite served as president of the Kansas Peace Officers Association in 2018. He also has trained at the FBI Academy and has a bachelor of arts degree from Pittsburg State University.
Schmidt appointed Hite to a term on the CVCB ending March 15, 2022. His nomination still must be confirmed by the Kansas State Senate.
The three-member CVCB provides victims with financial assistance for loss of earnings and out-of-pocket loss for injuries sustained as a direct result of violent crime. This includes reasonable medical care, mental health counseling or other services needed as a result of injury. In the event of death of the victim, reasonable medical expenses and the partial cost of a funeral, burial or cremation is reimbursable. The Crime Victims Compensation Board is organized within the Attorney General’s Office.