Joplin Closes Playgrounds, Skate Park During Pandemic

Joplin Parks & Rec are closing up the playgrounds, play equipment, and the Ewert Skate Park in order to control the Coronavirus pandemic, effective today, April 6th. The playgrounds will be roped off by city staff. Parks Director Paul Bloomberg tells News Talk KZRG why they made this decision.
“We understand this is unwelcome news for those who visit these areas, but it is absolutely crucial for the well-being and safety of our community. The virus can live on plastic and metal surfaces for hours, sometimes days.”
Joplin’s basketball courts were closed last week.
Bloomberg says they consulted with national and state offices, as well as colleagues around the state before making the difficult decision.
Joplin city parks and trails are still open, but you need to practice 6ft social distancing, and avoid crowds of more than 10 people.
Missouri’s Stay-At-Home order is in effect until April 24th.