MO Representative Wants Clarity On Controversial Bail Rules

The state Supreme Court rolled out rules last year saying Missouri judges can only charge bail fees to help ensure that defendants will show up to court or if they pose a danger to others. West Plains State Representative David Evans, a former judge, is proposing to clarify in the rules that judges have the discretion to release or require bond.
“These bills assure that local judges have the discretion to make common sense decisions when it comes to release on bond from local jails.”
During a Missouri House committee hearing, Darrell Moore with the Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys says he backs the plan.
“Any new rule change needs education. Some of the judges, I think, out there are confused and some of them actually believe that the new bond rules were designed to let people out, which was not the intent. This bill just simply clarifies that.”
No one spoke in opposition to the bill. The committee has voted in favor of the bill. Another committee is reviewing the legislation.