Required arrival times changing at Joplin Airport

If you’re a procrastinator,and like to wait until the last minute to arrive someplace, you may want to change your ways if you’re flying from the Joplin Regional Airport (JRA).
While the TSA has stressed for years that passengers arrive no less than two hours prior to a flight, the JRA has only required 30-minutes. But, that’s all about to change.
Joplin United Airlines now flies the ERJ 175 which can carry 76 passengers. The computer system just cant complete all the check in procedures fast enough to allow for only 30 minutes. So, according to Joplin Regional Airport manager Steve Stockham, the computer system now locks out at 45-minutes prior to departure. That extra time is how the airline makes sure you arrive on time at your destination.
So, plan your trip, give yourself some wiggle room and heed the advice of the experts by arriving early to the airport.