Patrol encourages public to subscribe for AMBER alerts

Colonel Eric T. Olson, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, encourages the public to subscribe to Mo-Alerts to receive immediate notification of AMBER alerts.
On Friday, January 17, an AMBER Alert was issued using the new system to locate a two-year-old child who had been abducted by his mother. A citizen who received the AMBER Alert via a cell phone recognized the vehicle described and its out-of-state license plates, and contacted law enforcement. The child was located safe within minutes of the alert being sent out. Missouri’s upgraded AMBER Alert system notified the public immediately and facilitated the successful outcome of this case.
The Patrol initiates AMBER Alerts when an abducted child meets the criteria set forth in Section 210.1012 RSMo.
The Patrol launched an upgraded Missouri AMBER Alert system in December 2019. This system streamlines the process to get alerts to the public faster. The new system includes wireless emergency alerts, automated social media alerts, and a public website which provides the latest information on AMBER Alerts active in Missouri at any time.
Members of the public and media may subscribe to emailed AMBER Alerts by visiting, selecting “Subscribe to Mo-Alerts” on the left side of the webpage, entering their email address, and clicking “Subscribe.”
Subscribers receive a verification email and must click on the link provided to complete the process.