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Driving Lessons Offered In Joplin

It’s a scary transition for parents as their kids become young adults and they start to drive. The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office has been bombarded with calls over the years asking if a deputy can teach their kids how to drive. While the department doesn’t provide that service, the Alliance of Southwest Missouri now does.

“A lot of parents don’t realize the number one killer for kids between the ages of 16 and 25 is car accidents and car collisions.”

That’s Mark Box, the Safe Kids Coordinator for the Alliance of Southwest Missouri. He’s the guy that wants to teach your kids to drive the correct way through a new driver’s education program offered through the Alliance.

Each lesson will be 60 minutes. All lessons begin and end at The Alliance office located at 1601 South Wall Avenue in Joplin.

Modules Offered:

The complete program consists of total of 6 modules. Each module has been created to increase in complexity as student’s master each driving skill.

Below are highlights of each level. Each level will include more instruction than what is listed.

Module 1: Know Your Vehicle, Braking, Turning

Module 2: Lane Changes, Speed and Brake Control, Curb Parking

Module 3: Hill Parking, Yielding, Turnabouts, Diverging Diamond, Heavy Traffic

Module 4: Single Lane and Multi-Lane Highways, Traffic Signs, Passing, Interactions While Driving, Night Driving

Module 5: Freeway Focus, Breakdown Procedures, Bad Weather Driving, Safety Features of Vehicle, Move Over Law

Module 6: Parallel Parking, Road Test

In order for a student to pass this course and receive their certificate of completion they must pass all six modules. Ideally, this would happen with six lessons, however, if a student needs more time focusing on a specific module then additional lessons could be necessary.


6 Lessons
Certificate Earned if all 6 modules are passed
Permit and Licensed Drivers

6 Lessons Plus Defensive Driving Course
**A $45 Savings!**
Two Certificates Earned!
Permit and Licensed Drivers

Refresher Course
3 Lessons
Licensed Drivers
No Certificate Earned

If you’d like more information, click here.

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