Joplin City Council to receive Memorial Hall proposals

Joplin’s Memorial Hall has been a venue for concerts, sporting events, trade shows and more since it was built as a war memorial in 1924. But the building is getting older.
At last night’s Joplin City Council work session, members voted to move ahead in receiving proposals from consultants on the Hall’s future viability.
Joplin Parks and Recreation Director Paul Bloomberg reviewed the Hall’s history, attendance and use over the years. City Finance Director Leslie Haase said the council should be given a structural analysis of the Hall and ideas on its potential uses in coming years.
Connect to Culture conducted a $16 million capital drive to build the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment complex on part of the Hall’s large parking lot.
That group’s president Clifford Wert, who also addressed the Council, called plans to use both structures “synergistic.” He said ground should be broken on the entertainment complex within a year.