You can help “Feed Every Eagle”

It’s called “Feed Every Eagle.” Kids in the Joplin School District who can’t pay for their lunch still get to eat – although it might not be the same meal others get.
Now, a Joplin woman is helping do something about lunchroom debt. Rhonda Kendrick-Wilson has worked with school officials to set up a fund to help pay down lunchroom debt for students.
During this season of giving, consider donating to help ease burden of meal debt for Joplin students.
Child Nutrition Services has launched the “Feed Every Eagle” campaign to help get this done. According to Joplin’s Bright Futures page, you may donate by placing case or check (payable to Joplin Schools) in an envelope marked as “Feed Every eagle” and taking it to any Joplin School location. .
Ask school officials to forward it to Child Nutrition Services or through a special account set up in SchoolCafe. You may also watch a YouTube video online .
100% of donations go to delinquent accounts. For assistance, call the Nutrition office at 417-625-5315
Remember, the Joplin School System does have a free and reduced meal plan in place. Learn more online at Meal Plan.