Casey’s To Break Ground In January On Joplin Distribution Center

Casey’s plans to break ground in January on a new state-of-the-art warehouse, logistics and distribution center in Joplin at the intersections of Interstates 44 and 49. C-E-O Darren Rebelez says construction should be complete by the spring of 2021.
“Upon completion we plan to immediately serve approximately 500 stores from this center — which will allow our network to operate more efficient and alleviate pressure off our current distribution centers.”
Rebelez says the new facility will be able to meet current and future needs.
“It does expand our ability to reach into some new geographies that we are not currently in. So, the immediate impact would be on the efficiency side and the more longer term would be on the development side. We’re designing this to be more automated and more efficient than perhaps our other two distribution centers. We also have additional land adjacent to the site that we could expand if we need to.”
The 283,000 square foot center includes about 125 new jobs.