Missouri Launching Application Process For Hemp Production

The Missouri Department of Agriculture plans to begin taking hemp production license applications from interested and eligible producers this month. Communications director Sami Jo Freeman says the department has been collecting public comment on its proposed rules for hemp production. She says interested producers must complete a background check.
“The Missouri law required that each producer goes through a federal FBI background check,” she says. “There are many locations we’ll put on that information on the website too. But, that’s really one important thing that we want to make sure people to plan for.”
She says applicants should plan for three major things.
“There’s the paper application. There will be an application fee and then the FBI background check,” says Freeman. “Those three things, if all the requirements are met, they’ll receive a registration or permit.”
Freeman adds that the department’s proposal spells out procedures for two different applications.
“There’s a producer registration that allows producers to create anything kind of in that fiber market,” says Freeman. “The ag seed and hemp propagules permit is a little bit different. So that’s if you’re growing for seed, or if you’re growing for anything that’s going to be what we call viable – that will have a life after you’re done producing.”
With Missouri’s industrial hemp program exiting the pilot stage, Freeman says there is no limit to how many producers or acres can receive a license to grow hemp. Before permits are issued, the USDA is required to approve Missouri’s management plan.