Carthage student recovering following accident

A student from Carthage High School, injured in an explosion Friday morning at the Carthage Technical Center, is recovering from his injuries.
The student’s parents posted the following message on the Carthage R-9 School District’s Facebook site.
“Blake is out of surgery and in recovery and doing well. The surgeon was very positive about the outcome. Blake has sustained an injury to the lower portion of his face which will require some reconstruction. Full recovery is expected. The surgeons will monitor his recovery and make future plans accordingly. The family appreciates your prayers for Blake, his family, his teachers and students.”
Carthage High School Principal Matt Huntley, in an earlier post, thanked members members of the community.
“We thank emergency responders and school staff for their quick actions; and we wish to respect the privacy of the student and his family as they are being cared for,” Huntley wrote.
On Friday morning, officer Chad Dininger of the Carthage Police Department, said the accident took place during a class at the South Technical Center, which is adjacent to Carthage High School.
The student was taken to Mercy Carthage and then was transported by helicopter to another healthcare institution.