Man from Stotts City arrested for rape

Following an investigation by the Jasper County Detective Division, which began in May of
this year, charges were submitted to the Jasper County Prosecuting Attorneys office seeking
criminal charges against 39 year-old Christopher Versteeg of Stotts City.
During the investigation two juvenile victims were identified from incidents that occurred in
Jasper and Lawrence counties. The criminal charges that were submitted to the Jasper County
Prosecuting Attorney and a warrant was issued for the arrest of Mr. Versteeg.
On 09-11-19, Versteeg was taken into custody on Jasper County’s charges of Statutory
Sodomy 1st, Statutory Rape 1st, and Sexual Trafficking of a child.
Versteeg is currently in custody at the Jasper County Detention Center being held on a no bond