Bomb Threat Called Into Jane Walmart

Update (10:20 pm):
Walmart has reopened in Jane. Police did not locate a bomb or any suspicious materials in the store. Detectives are still investigating to determine who called in the bomb threat to the store.
Original post:
After multiple calls to the KZRG 24-Hour Newsroom of a heavy police presence and officers witnessed gearing up outside the Walmart store in Jane, it’s been confirmed that there was a bomb threat.
McDonald County Sheriff Mike Hall tells News Talk KZRG exclusively that Walmart received a bomb threat over the phone at 7:50 pm Monday evening. They contacted the sheriff’s office who immediately evacuated the store and blocked off all of the entrances.
Sheriff Hall says they did not believe it was a credible threat, but still treated it as such. The store is still closed as of 9:30 p.m as police and deputies search the store.
Joplin Police are bringing in a bomb sniffing dog, and the Bentonville Bomb Squad is also assisting so the store can be cleared to reopen.
Sheriff Hall could not comment on the initial call made to Walmart as that is still under investigation.
News Talk KZRG will provide you with more information as details are released.