Joplin transit focus of open house, mobile meetings

The City of Joplin is holding a public open house for the Joplin Transit Service Analysis from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on August 28 in Joplin Public Library’s West Conference Room (1901 E. 20th Street). The meeting will focus on transit improvement recommendations for the Joplin area. Additionally, City staff and consultant team members will ride Sunshine Lamp’s Red, Blue, and Green routes throughout the day to talk with trolley riders about the recommendations.
During the meeting and while riding the bus, community members will be able to review and comment on exhibits that describe the transit improvement recommendations. Anyone with an interest in the transit system is encouraged to participate. We will combine community comments with technical analysis in order to develop a refined set of recommendations for short-, medium-, and long-term improvements. All will address costs and financial resources. We will share them with the public near the end of 2019.
The Joplin Transit Service Analysis is a complete review of our bus system. It considers trends, emerging needs, what generates a transit trip, and much more. Specifically, we will analyze existing and future ridership, develop service plans, examine funding sources, and analyze the City’s ability to compete for funds available at the state and local levels. The effort will result in a descriptive path forward for transitioning from current service to new or revised service. It will also guide and inform the City’s future long-range transportation plans and prioritize transit system changes and investments.
The City is conducting the transit service analysis to ensure that the bus system provides efficient service and meets the needs of community members. Today, Sunshine Lamp Trolley provides three routes: Red, Blue, and Green. Riders may get on and off at designated bus stops along the routes. They also have the option of scheduling a “deviated” pick-up or drop-off at a location within ¾-mile from the trolley route. Deviated stops can be scheduled with at least one-hour advanced notice.
The Metropolitan Area Public Transit System (MAPS) works with the trolley, providing curb-to-curb bus service on a pre-scheduled basis to residents of the greater Joplin metropolitan area. Residents schedule rides to pick them up from and take them to any destination within the MAPS operating boundaries. MAPS service is available for Carterville, Duenweg, Joplin, Oronogo Webb City, and adjacent rural areas.