Council holds public hearing for zoning on medical marijuana

Last night’s Joplin City Council meeting included a public hearing on zoning for future medical marijuana operations in the city.
Voters approved Amendment 2, an amendment to the Missouri Constitution approved by voters last November The amendment permits doctors to recommend marijuana for medical purposes to patients with qualifying medical conditions
Municipalities may not prohibit medical marijuana. However, municipalities may enact time, place, and manner restrictions as long as they are not unduly burdensome on the operation of a facility.
The Council approved on first reading an ordinance amending Zoning Codes by adding language to permit medical marijuana facilities in certain districts of the city.
Three residents spoke in favor of medical marijuana at the meeting. No one spoke against it.
Cannabis has a longstanding history of being very valuable for PTSD, chronic pain issues and there are number of cancer issues they are looking at it being for,” said Joplin resident Carrie Wilkinson, one of the proponents who addressed Council members.