Ribbon-cutting held for new Habitat Homes

As Dorothy said in the film The Wizard of Oz … there’s no place like home.Two Joplin families have new homes Friday following a Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting on the west side of Joplin.
Lindsey Liontas and Jennifer and James Cates are the new homeowners. The homes are located next door to each other at 1604 and 1606 South Jefferson Avenue.
The homeowners were present at the Ribbon Cutting, as were Major Phil Aho, Major Doug Stearns and Major Beckie Stearns of the Salvation Army.
Joplin Area Habitat Executive Director Scott Clayton says it’s the result of a collaborative effort.These are houses funded by the Salvation Army,” Clayton says.
“It’s been a great partnership for us. It’s been their 16th and 17th home they’ve built with us for tornado-affected families.”
Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1989 and, as of today, 158 homes have been constructed. The group is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian housing organization. It is the vision of Habitat for Humanity to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the Jasper County area and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
“We do light exterior repair and new home construction where we sell new homes at no interest and no profit to applicants who qualify,” Clayton says. “And there is our Restore at 5201 Main Street.“
Those interested in finding out more about the Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity can call 782-6533, check out the group’s website at www.joplinhabitat.org or like them on Facebook.